Dominus iesusDominus iesus
Go therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the world”
191.9 Kb. 3
A walk Through the Mass: a step-by-Step ExplanationA walk Through the Mass: a step-by-Step Explanation
Father," he observed, "the thing that is most different between my former church and your church is that you Catholics always seem to know what is going to happen next!
57.76 Kb. 1
The Great Thanksgiving Eucharistic Prayer b bcp 367 The Lord be with you. And also with youThe Great Thanksgiving Eucharistic Prayer b bcp 367 The Lord be with you. And also with you
It is right, and a good and joyful thing, always and everywhere to give thanks …, who for ever sing this hymn to proclaim the glory of your name
20.38 Kb. 1
Offertory Anthem \"There is a Balm in Gilead\"Offertory Anthem "There is a Balm in Gilead"
Sanctus Hymnal s-130 Therefore, we proclaim the mystery of faith: Christ has died. Christ has risen. Christ will come again
22.02 Kb. 1
The Holy Spirit in the Lutheran and Reformation history: An African perspective Kenneth MtataThe Holy Spirit in the Lutheran and Reformation history: An African perspective Kenneth Mtata
Christianity? What does this mean for Lutherans and Protestants as they prepare to celebrate 500 years of the Reformation in 2017? On the basis of the work of one African Lutheran theologian, Manas Buthelezi
64.4 Kb. 1


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